Friday, September 9, 2011

Paid $10 for a Story in a Compilation Book

Some people have the crazy idea that freelance writers make enough money to support themselves for years on end. That's not what I've found to be true.

In yesterday's snail mail I received a $10 check for a story to appear in the soon to be published Love is a Verb  Devotionals, a volume of inspirational stories, compiled by James Stuart Bell, and published by Bethany House Publishers. I will also receive one free book.

The contract I signed states that the publisher will have all worldwide book rights, all worldwide archival (data storage/retrieval) rights, and promotional use rights. The Publisher [Bethany House] waives and the Author [me] retains the following rights to the Work: video, live performance, film, television, radio, stage, animation, filmstrip, and the Author’s personal website.  

For my part, I had to warrant that:
1.       I am the author of the Work.
2.      The facts in the material are true.
3.      The Work has not been previously published in a book, nor will it be published in any other book.
4.      I have the legal right to provide this permission.
5.      Publication of the Work will not infringe on any other person’s or entity’s copyright.
6.      Publication of the Work will not defame, invade the privacy of, or violate any other rights of        
         any other party.

And what’s the time element between submitting the story and getting paid for the story? I submitted the story in August of 2011 and received payment in September of 2011. That’s really quick in getting published time.

Do I regret submitting this article and having an article published in a book by Bethany House? Of course not! Nothing is quite as satisfying as seeing my work in print. 

So now I know who is crazy. Me!

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